Generate Wordlists


Having a good wordlist is critical to carrying out a successful password attack. It is important to know how you can generate username lists and password lists. In this section, we will discuss creating targeted username and password lists.


Generate a Wordlist

Tools such as Cewl - Custom Word List generator can be used to effectively crawl a website and extract strings or keywords. Cewl is a powerful tool to generate a wordlist specific to a given company or target.

CeWL is a ruby app which spiders a given URL, up to a specified depth, and returns a list of words which can then be used for password crackers such as John the Ripper. Optionally, CeWL can follow external links.

cewl -w list.txt -d 5 -m 5

Rule-Based Wordlists

Rule-Based attacks assume the attacker knows something about the password policy. Rules are applied to create passwords within the guidelines of the given password policy and should, in theory, only generate valid passwords. Using pre-existing wordlists may be useful when generating passwords that fit a policy — for example, manipulating or 'mangling' a password such as password: p@ssword, Pa$$word, Passw0rd, and so on.

Hashcat rule sets are located at /usr/share/hashcat/rules/. You can generate a wordlist using a rule as follow:

# Create wordlist from a rule
hashcat -r /usr/share/rules/best64.rule wordlist.txt --stdout > new_wordlist.txt

You can also use the OneRuleToRuleThemAll rule to generate a wordlist.

Create your own rules

To create your own rules, you definitely want to check this hashcat documentation, but here is an example of creating your custom rule and some notes about useful functions:

Example Rule
Ex. Input
Ex. Output

Append Char





Prepend Char





Capitalize the first letter and lower the rest





Uppercase all letters





Note that if the rule functions are:

  • On the same line, separated by a space: Hashcat will use them consecutively on each password of the word list.

  • On separate lines: Hashcat will use each rule separately on each password of the word list.

# Using following rule file:
# $1 c
$ hashcat -r my.rule password.txt --stdout 

# Using following rule file:
# $1
# c
$ hashcat -r my.rule password.txt --stdout

Let's assume an AD password policy that requires an upper case letter, a special character, and a numerical value. We may use the following rules along with hashcat:

# Rules file
# Capital letter at the beginning, 
# random number and special character at the end -> common human behaviour ;)
$ cat my.rule
c $1 $!
c $2 $!
c $1 $2 $3 $!

# Generate the wordlist
hashcat -r my.rule passwords.txt --stdout > new_passwords.txt


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