
DACL abuse potential paths can be identified by BloodHound from UNIX-like (using the Python ingestor bloodhound.py) and Windows (using the SharpHound ingestor) systems.

Other tools like, Get-DomainObjectAcl and Add-DomainObjectAcl from Powersploit's Powerview, Get-Acl and Set-Acl official Powershell cmdlets, or Impacket's dacledit.py script (Python) can be used in order to manually inspect an object's DACL. ⚠️ At the time of writing, the Pull Request (#1291) offering that dacledit is still being reviewed and in active development. It has the following command-line arguments.

This page is about enumeration, for DACL-based attacks, please refer to this page.



We can dump all Domain Object's ACL and convert it to a json file using Get-DomainObjectAcl from Powersploit's Powerview.

Get-DomainObjectAcl -ResolveGUIDs|select-object @{Name='SecurityIdentifierName';Expression={"$($_.SecurityIdentifier.Value|Convert-SidToName)"}},@{Name='SecurityIdentifierSID';Expression={"$($_.SecurityIdentifier.Value)"}},@{Name='ActiveDirectoryRights';Expression={"$($_.ActiveDirectoryRights)"}},ObjectDN,@{Name='ObjectName';Expression={"$($_.ObjectSID|Convert-SidToName)"}},ObjectSID|ConvertTo-Json -Compress|Out-File acls.json

Transfer the file to the attacking machine, then use the following command to convert the output file to UNIX format.

#Convert the file
dos2unix acls.json

One of the following commands can be used to format and read the output file.

# Print one ACE by line 
cat acls.json|jq '.[]| "\(.SecurityIdentifierName):\(.SecurityIdentifierSID) | Have: \(.ActiveDirectoryRights) | On: \(.ObjectName):\(.ObjectSID)"'

# Get all ACE of an object
cat acls.json|jq '.[] | select(.ObjectName=="CONTOSO\\user01")'


It is possible to use a native windows binary (in addition to powershell cmdlet Get-Acl) to enumerate Active Directory object security persmissions. The binary of interest is dsacls.exe.

#Check "v4resk" user permissions against user's "pwned" AD object
dsacls.exe "cn=pwned,cn=users,dc=contoso,dc=local" | findstr "v4resk"

#Check "FullControl" permissions against user's "pwned" AD object
dsacls.exe "cn=pwned,cn=users,dc=contoso,dc=local" | findstr "full control"

#Check "v4resk" user permissions against group's "Domain Admin" AD object
dsacls.exe "cn=domain admins,cn=users,dc=contoso,dc=local" | findstr "v4resk"


DACL abuse potential paths can be identified by BloodHound from UNIX-like (using the Python ingestor bloodhound.py) and Windows (using the SharpHound ingestor) systems.

From UNIX-like system, a non-official (but very effective nonetheless) Python version can be used.

BloodHound.py is a Python ingestor for BloodHound. Using the ACL CollectionMethod, we just collect abusable permissions on objects in Active Directory

bloodhound.py --zip -c ACL -d $DOMAIN -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD -dc $DOMAIN_CONTROLLER


Last updated

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