Google Dorks


Google dorking is a technique of using the Google search engine to search for vulnerabilities or to retrieve sensitive data. This technique relies on the results of the exploration and indexation of websites by the Googlebot. We can perform advanced search queries using various operators that allow us to reach our goal.


Here are some operators that might be useful

# Specify the filetype "pdf" and search the term "email address".
filetype:pdf "email address"

# Search all URLs containing the word "edu" and search the term "login" in the urls.
inurl:edu "login"

# Searches keywords contained in the page title.

# Search the term "DB_USER" contained in the given site "". "DB_USER" "DB_PASSWORD"

# Views cached content

Google Hacking Database (GHDB)

The Google Hacking Database(GHDB) is a database of search queries (dorks) used to find sensitive publicly available information or vulnerabilities. This is hosted by exploit-db

Useful dorks

You can use this google dorks to enum subdomains of a website

#Search for subdomains 

#Search for subdomains with 'admin' in title
site:* intitle:admin


Last updated