
List of Common Solidity Smart Contract Vulnerabilities

  • Reentrancy (ERC721, ERC1155, ERC777)

  • Sandwich attacks (front-running/back-running)

  • Flash loan attacks (oracle manipulation)

  • Block stuffing

  • DoS with revert or infinite gas consumption

  • DoS due to Underflow

  • Metamorphic contracts (bytecode mutation)

  • Signature replay attacks

  • Short address attacks (Solidity <0.5.0)

  • Token approval Griefing

  • Unexpected non-zero ether balance (self-destruct)

  • Calls to arbitrary contracts

  • Every address can accept ether leads to DoS

  • Force-feeding attacks

  • Weak on-chain randomness (prevrandao)

  • Unbounded loops (pagination)

  • Unbounded gas consumption by returning a lot of data

  • Default Enum values

  • Duplicate array elements

  • Hash collisions with dynamic types (packed ABI encoding)

  • Storage collisions with delegate call

  • Function selector collisions (zero selectors)

  • Wrong inheritance order

  • Strict Equalities DoS

  • Integer overflow/underflow (Solidity <0.8.0)

  • Lack of precision in calculations

  • Access control via tx.origin

  • Problems with ERC20 decimals

  • Mis-initialization of contracts (ownership/proxy)

  • Private key leaks in .env files

  • Directional character (U+202E) usage (Solidity <0.7.6)

  • Compiler bugs

  • Price Oracle Manipulation

  • Unlimited Token allowance

  • Lack of Access Controls

  • Asserting contract from Code Size

  • Delegate call to Untrusted Callee

  • Unsafe Typecast

  • Write to Arbitrary storage collision

  • Insufficient User-Input Validation

  • Unchecked return value

  • Message call with hard-coded gas

  • Short Address attack

  • Divide before multiplying

  • Unsafe Ownership transfer

  • Improper Array Deletion

  • Dirty High Order Bits

  • Floating Point Arithmetic

  • Unexpected Ether Leading to DoS

  • Use of deprecated solidity Functions

  • Check for Gas Optimizations

  • Forcefully Send Ether with Selfdestruct

  • Hidden malicious code

  • Honeypots

  • On-chain & off-chain data handling

  • Ineffective key-management

  • Transaction order manipulation

  • Governance-related vulnerabilities

  • Incorrect Integration

  • Vulnerable Rebalancing/Buyback Mechanics

  • Faulty Native Token handling

  • Serialization/Parsing Issues

  • Naive Trust Assumptions

  • Uninitialized Proxies

  • Reinitialization Vulnerability

  • Incorrect Special Character Handling

  • Botched Upgrades

  • Governance Takeovers

  • Flawed Math

  • Transaction Replay Attack

  • Logic Errors

  • Exploiting Approvals

  • Gas Siphoning

  • UI Issues

  • Check for Business Logic Vulnerabilities

  • Check for correct inheritance

  • Check if the spot price from an AMM as an oracle is used

  • Check for tokens that use too many or too few decimals

  • Check if internal accounting is mixed with actual balances

  • Check if the Contract approves tokens before transferFrom to avoid revert

  • Check if state variable layout is followed when using delegate-call in proxy contracts

  • Check if events are emitted on critical functions

Last updated