Exposed Git Repositories

OWASP A3:2017-Sensitive Data Exposure


The exposure of Git repositories on a webserver often occurs due to misconfigurations, where the .git directory is left accessible without proper access controls.

If we encounter an application with an exposed .git directory, we can retrieve the entire repository. This enables us to extract valuable information, such as the remote repository address, commit history, logs, and various metadata. Accessing these details may reveal sensitive data, including proprietary code, hard-coded API keys, and credentials, which can then be leveraged to escalate our attack and further compromise the application's security.



To detect exposed Git repositories, we can utilize tools and commands below.

We may use httpx to identify exposed repositories across a list of domains using the command below. It checks if the .git/HEAD file contains refs/heads .

Note that this one-liner will only identify repositories if directory listing is enabled.

cat domains.txt | httpx -path /.git/HEAD -silent -mr "refs/heads"


Once an exposed Git repository is identified, the next step is to perform a repository dump to extract its contents.

gitdumper from GitTools can be used to download as much as possible from the found .git repository from webservers which do not have directory listing enabled.

./ dest-dir from GitTools can then be used in combination with gitdumper in case the downloaded repository is incomplete. This tool extract commits and their content from a broken repository.

./ /tmp/mygitrepo /tmp/mygitrepodump


After successfully dumping an exposed Git repository, the next step is to hunt for valuable secrets within the retrieved data.


Noseyparker is a command-line program that finds secrets and sensitive information in textual data and Git history. We can use this tool to recursively search sensitive information in a repository.

# Scan filesystem / folder
noseyparker scan --datastore np.myDataStore /path/to/gitRepo

# Get results
noseyparker report -d np.myDataStore

You may use this tools to search sensitives files in a mounted NFS share, a mounted SMB share, or even exiltrated data.


Alternatively, find command can be use to find configuration files by recursively searching files with a specific extension or name and the grep command can be use to find passwords in files by recursively searching text patterns.

# Search for patterns in file
grep -ari 'password'
grep -ari 'api_key'
grep -ari 'api_key'

# Search for configuration/sensitive files
find / -type f -name *.conf 2>/dev/null
find / -type f -name *pass* 2>/dev/null


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