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From UNIX-like systems, tools like NetExec (Python) and ldapsearch (C) can be used to enumerate trusts.
# ldapsearch
ldapsearch -h ldap://$DC_IP -b "CN=SYSTEM,DC=$DOMAIN" "(objectclass=trustedDomain)"
# NetExec
nxc ldap <DC_IP> -u <USER>-p <PASSWORD> -M enum_trusts
From Windows systems tools like PowerView (PowerShell) and netdom may be used to enumerate trusts :
From domain-joined hosts, the netdom
cmdlet can be used.
netdom trust /domain:DOMAIN.LOCAL
Alternatively, PowerSploit's PowerView (PowerShell) supports multiple commands for various purposes.
# Enumerate domain trust relationships of the current user's domain
Get-NetDomainTrust –Domain [Domain Name]
Get-NetDomainTrust -SearchBase "GC://$($ENV:USERDNSDOMAIN)"
# Enumerate forest trusts from the current domain's perspective
Get-NetForestDomain -Forest [Forest Name]
# Enumerate all the trusts of all the domains found
Get-NetForestDomain | Get-NetDomainTrust
# Enumerate and map all domain trusts
#Get users with privileges in other domains inside the forest
#Get groups with privileges in other domains inside the forest
The global catalog is a partial copy of all objects in an Active Directory forest, meaning that some object properties (but not all) are contained within it. This data is replicated among all domain controllers marked as global catalogs for the forest. Trusted domain objects are replicated in the global catalog, so we can enumerate every single internal and external trust that all domains in our current forest have extremely quickly, and only with traffic to our current PDC.
(by Will Schroeder on blog.harmj0y.net)
BloodHound can also be used to map the trusts. While it doesn't provide much details, it shows a visual representation.
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